Martina Mackamul

Martina Mackamul

I wrote a song for the first time when I wanted to give my father a special birthday present for his 70th birthday. His surprise and my joy about singing something for him led to more songs and finally to the CD About a heart and the music label LOVING MUSIC. With a qualification at the “Akademie für Singen und Gesundheit” (akademy for singing and health) I found a very helpful way of getting people to sing together and to enjoy it. Since November 2009 I offer an open group for singing together just for joy once a month in Bietigheim-Bissingen. I pursued further education at “Singende Krankenhäuser - internationales Netzwerk zur Förderung des Singens in Gesundheitseinrichtungen e.V.” (singing hospitals - international network for the promotion of singing in healthcare settings) and I became a member of their network.
In 2014 me and my co-worker Katrin Zojer offered a weekend for singing and we recorded her own songs on the CD Gemeinsam schwingen und erklingen.
Since 2014 we sing with patients with multiple sclerosis for a weekend once a year, organised by AMSEL e.V. (german society for multiple sclerosis; We started the yearly event singing for peace.
Rainer Wegscheider and I offer come together - sing together events since 2016.

Further vocational training:

  • 2008 by Avalona Yvonne Doritz (
  • 2008/2009 singing classes by Alex Kraus (
  • 2009 training “Die heilende Kraft des Singens”, by Katharina und Wolfgang Bossinger, Akademie für Singen und Gesundheit(
  • 2010/2011 and 2013 training by “singinig hospitals - international network for the promotion of singing in healthcare settings, ( certificate as leader for singing groups in hospitals, healthcare settings, for seniors and in residential homes for the elderly.
  • 2016 training by Katharina und Wolfgang Bossinger, Akademie für Singen und Gesundheit( certificate as leader for singing groups in business companys and organsations

Katrin Zojer

Katrin Zojer

has a certificate as leader for singing groups with seniors and in residential homes for the elderly.
The CD “Gemeinsam schwingen und erklingen” contains her compostions.
She plays cello and guitar.

Rainer Wegscheider

Rainer Wegscheider

has finished his training by Katharina und Wolfgang Bossinger, Akademie für Singen und Gesundheit( in 2016.
He plays guitar and accordion.